Wednesday, October 3, 2012

enjoying crepes in boracay

in 2004, one of my goals in stepping on the island (boracay) was to eat crepes. hehe, yeah, i'm weird that way. people don't go to boracay for crepes!!! prior to coming to the island, i've read somewhere that there's a french restaurant in boracay that serves delicious crepes. at that time, i didn't know what crepes were, actually. i just saw pictures of them, and in my mind, i believe crepes are something my palate would love. i was so excited when in one of our walks around the island, i chanced upon the restaurant i read about. unfortunately, when i was there, my lack of assertiveness got the better of me. my companions back then didn't want to try it for budget reasons. yes, i could have gone on my own or treat everyone, but like i said, i am someone who didn't know how to get what she wanted when i was younger. so yeah, imagine my utter delight when cebu opened its doors to a lot of shops serving crepes! just heaven!
anyway, when i had the chance to go back to the island, i made a promise to myself that i will not leave boracay without ever trying crepes. so, during our first night, i dragged my sister to locate a restaurant that serves crepes. i can't remember the name of the french restaurant i read about before, but my sister and i located one restaurant that had crepes on their menu.
yes, that's me enjoying my crepes
the restaurant by day
restaurant's interior. above the restaurant is an inn, where you could stay while in boracay
my delicious crepes
my sister's crepes
Related Posts:
Where To Eat in Boracay
Boracay Travel Guide

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